Electrician4you are dedicated to our customers new and old. when a new customer makes contact and asks can we do an emergency house rewire in haydock then we just could not say no. We could only free up 2 men for this job but we did it and we managed to complete the full house rewire in haydock in 18 hours complete from start to finish. We were found and recommneded on google when the customer had typed in "local electrician near me" electrician4you popped up, they made contact and the rest was history. We installed another fusebox type fuse board replacement which is proving to be a very good board complete with rcbo fuses for individual segregation, this making life easier if ever as fault occurs. We really do appreciate how much work we recieve when our customers are serching for "local electrcians near me". or sismiliar search terms. Thanks to all our reviews and recomendations on google, facebook, insta gram etc our internet prescence is growing larger and larger by the day. We are extremely greatful for this as your family run local electrical company.